Friday, March 28, 2008

You Paint But You Do Not Know Art

This is to all those kids who think they are totally awesome because they are fashionable, or maybe they paint pretty pictures, or maybe they take pictures of themselves in strange positions next to random objects like lamps or photos. You are not an artist for what you do, or you just suck ass at art....

I know you hippies may think your super creative for making a unique drawing or painting, but the only reason it's unique is because it sucks and only a moron would think of it.

First off, what is art? Art is a (product of) human activity, made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind; by transmitting emotions and/or ideas. (Wikipedia).So when you paint a picture, and it has not intentions of causing a specific feeling or thought when viewed, it is not art. I'm sorry that I am breaking this news to you, not really, but I thought it would be nice of me to say this.

Second, lets say you think your sense of style is artistic, are you an artist? NO. Maybe I'm missing something, but I have not been given an emotion other than anger from people's style, at least from the people who try to appear artistic on purpose. I think you look like a moron who cares if they look fashionable or not.

And P.S wearing clothes with the name or picture of an artist does not magically make you a freaking artist you dumbass, its not like superman and his costume.

All you guys who think you are indie, your not.

your just like all the other indie kids

Do you really think there is anyone else like me?
I haven't met them!

as always

Go fuck yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't get it ?

"I don't just bullshit you guys and I really think deeply before I write"

You really did think deep on this article, clearly you classified with crystal clarity every single person who is an "indie fag".
well played dude!
