Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Paradigm

I understand you may not care about me in the slightest, but I think this will help those who struggle for meaning in their life.

To ask the question "why am I here" is normal. What is not normal is for someone to not accept the answers given to them. Perhaps they know the answers are false, perhaps they understand they will never know an unshaken answer, or maybe they just can't understand. I personally could not grasp why I am so obsessed with finding the answer to the question. But, one day I came to the realization that in my case it is my instinctual need to survive trying to find relevance in this insanely protective world that drives my need for an answer. I realize that man is extremely intelligent, intelligent enough to understand they desire survival. We all are born with the drive to stay alive, and mankind needs to explain why it needs to survive if we are to answer the previous question.
Why does man need to stay alive? This question seems so absurd, yet it is the absurdity you feel that shows a protective subconscious that wants to shield us from our curiosity. I began to ask myself, why does man need to live? My answer is that it doesn't,but I like it when it does so I give it importance.
Through this process I have been able to come to terms with my importance. I hope you can too.

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