Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Great Holocaust of America

The vast majority of Americans will assume the 6 million dead Jews in the 1940's was the death count of the great Holocaust. The real Holocaust had much more casualties and spanded over three hundred years. possibly 100million native American's died from European deseas and war. These people were ethical human beings who lived like man should be. They took only what they needed and were not greedy in deals. They can be the symbol of the world today. Slowly the good people are losing thier culture and numbers as they become just like the greedy Europeans.

I'm not saying this out of racism but out of cultural ideals. I see the ethics of the native Americans as superior and pure not out of color but due to the actions of the people. While Natives that became large empires became as coroded as European empires, the tribes seemed to thrive on their ethos and seemed innocent to the evils of greed.

We are destroying ourselves by caring about everything we have. And I'm part of the problem

I dare you if you think you aren't very materialistic to
not use your phone for a month (it is just a thing that is not neccesary to live with as I get along fine without using mine.)

Dont comb your hair (its just hair) (wash it though as you can get sick from poor hygene)

Wear the ugliest clothes you can find (its just clothes and if your not materialistic who cares how ugly they are?)

if your a girl dont wear make up

Then tell me your not materialistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
