Monday, March 3, 2008

Why I Blog And Why You Should Keep Reading It

I blog to express my opinions that would otherwise be unheard. I am interested in things like philosophy, something many don't know. I can argue morality for hours and not care about the new fad that people get washed into. I am frustrated at the lack of individuals willing to debate things like philosophy and instead many don't even read my blog.

I figure that if no one is willing to debate me then at least I can try to "inform" as much as a 15 year old kid can inform someone. I do get scared that my "know it all" attitude shows in my blog. I am the first to admit I am not that smart and know relatively little compared to what I feel I know. I am just a kid with a blog. But at least I'm blogging and trying to help.

I am glad I get the small amount of feedback that I do receive. It lets me know where I can improve and develop as a thinker. Yet I still receive only a handful of views a month and nearly never do I receive any honest feedback. I still ask for my few readers to recommend the Think to a friend and maybe the blog will grow.

I just mainly wish to do something with my think. I can't let it sit there and rot. I like to let it go and relax in the fact that maybe I'll teach someone something. I don't get my kicks from lying and almost always will use readable data that I can source on request, so don't think I'm not telling the truth.

well anyway I doubt anyone read this so if you do post a comment.


Anonymous said...

dont kid yourself there is nothing i love more then sitting back turning on some hardcore music and reading your blog. feer sure.
and you inform me about things
like the federal reserve

Jacob said...

haha i love you bud