Thursday, March 20, 2008

They don't need your help

Social programs and affirmative action programs are demeaning in nature.

The nature of such programs are to help those who need help from others in order to be equal. Does this mean that our ethnic minorities are not smart enough to be like white people? No, it means that many white people are soft racists. These people don't hate ethnic people, they just inherently view them as inferior and in need of help. I personally see this as ignorant and wrong. Ethnic people statistically show differences in I.Q between ethnic groups, often showing American Jews and Asians being at the top in the numbers and African Americans and Latinos being in the lower end. This is not due to their skin color, but because of their money and upbringing. While some groups of people may just be genetically predespossed to slight increase or decrease in I.Q, mostly it is due to the schooling these people go to. Just look at Barrack Obama, he is African American and also one of the most intelligent person I've ever seen.

All people without mental disabilities should be treated equally. No-one should receive special treatment or less opportunities, but should be treated like everyone else. White people don't need to allow black people to get jobs easier than white people, but should both be given the exact same opportunities. If anything it should be that rich people help the poor get the same opportunities, but this is just because unlike skin color, differences in wealth do cause trouble for those on the lower end.

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