Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The FCCs reply to my email!!!

Dear Consumer,

Thank you for contacting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This is an automated message to confirm that we have received your correspondence. We will review your information to determine how we can best serve you.

If you need to send additional information, you may reply back with this email, leaving the case number (example: CIMS0123456789) in the subject line, or contact us at our toll free phone number 1-888-Call-FCC (1-888-225-5322) and reference the case number.

The Federal Communications Commission

www.dtv.gov Last Day of Analog Broadcasting Is February 17, 2009. ARE YOU READY?

At midnight on February 17, 2009, federal law requires that all full power television stations will stop broadcasting in analog format and will broadcast only in digital. Go to dtv.gov or call us at 1-888-CALL-FCC to learn more about how this may affect you.

Visit us at our Web Site located at www.fcc.gov, where you will find a wealth of information on a wide variety of communications-related topics.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: jacobaaronevans@yahoo.com
Received: 3/9/2008 4:18:23 AM
Subject: Major Act of Indecency

I would like to complain about something which I believe is so incredibly indecent and immoral that I cannot stand by idly. I feel that the private government organization called the "FCC" is indecently infringing on my unalienable right to freedom of speech. I request that the FCC ban the FCC from destroying my freedom.

I view this group as immoral on the grounds that people have the freewill to change the station or channel and have no power to force anyone to live as they see fit. Am I wrong?

As I stated before I would like to request the FCC to completely censor the FCC from any further degradation on America.

Jacob Evans

I request a response email from my government servants.

Thank You!

1 comment:

The Pajama Pundit said...

That's funny. I wrote to one of my U.S. senators once - ironically about censorship as well - and the response that I got was eerily similar.

A form letter, likely signed by an intern or support staffer.

Oh well.