Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We Forgot Something.

I am astonished and ashamed at the Christians in the heart of the "crazy Obama pastor" scandal thing.The scandal involves some crazy motherfucker who keeps saying God DAMN America! and something about chickens going home.Basically a nonimportant fact but a great news story. But this does not make me any less mad. Now, I'm not mad at Obama for going to that church, I'm not even mad at the media for hounding Obama for going to the pastor's church. What I am mad at is actually that we are arguing about the wrong issue! I think the real issue here is that all these reporters and politicians are overwhelmingly Christian, yet they said "fuck you Jesus!" by basically ripping the pastor a new asshole(thereby creating three assholes, the pastor, his original anus, and his new anus.).

I'm going to let this one slide however Christians, because its only your 14145235th time. I am going to give you a stern talking to however.

How dare you not listen to your LORD and Saviour? Don't pretend this is your first time! Remember the Catholic priest thing? You also disobeyed your GOD while judging another Christian! tsk tsk..... Don't you remember Matthew 7:2-5, Matthew 7:1, Matthew7:2-5, John 7:24, or anything? Maybe you should take a time out for being a dumbass....

as always... much love

and go fuck yourself dumbass!


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