Friday, June 13, 2008

Stupid People

I know that I can be a know-it-all, and I'm sorry for this. I do not however pull things out of my ass and say that it is true. And if I do, it is unintentional and I apologize.

But I met someone that obviously underestimated my intelligence, and they made some claims that were just bullshit. I never meet anyone in my life who lied to me so blatantly, or about things that could be so easily fact checked. They were religious and forgot that unlike religion, science doesn't work on faith. Even a devout believer would agree with me when I say, religion is based on faith and unproven beliefs.
Don't tell me you can prove God exists, and not have an argument to back it up. You only look like an idiot if you do and that doesn't help your "God" argument.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

so ya....

Taking a break from blogging.

I'll be back I just am doing other stuff now as well.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Ban of Clusterbombs

111 countries signed a treaty banning the use of cluster bombs, the treaty will go into effect in 2009. Russia, China, and the United States did not sign the treaty in Dublin, and these are the biggest producers and users of cluster munitions. The United States actually "boycotted" the meeting according to CNN.
If you do not know, cluster bombs are bombs that separate into smaller bombs before impact. Notorious for their 1 in 4 failure rate, cluster bombs that do not explode create a mine field around the area according to The Real News.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Once more

I received anonymous complaining on the blog. The complaining doesn't bug me much, but the fact that who ever does it isn't willing to put their name on the comments and some go as far as masking their IP's does bug me. I put up comment moderation to stop vandalism to posts but if you still feel the need to post negative comments, I'll be more than happy to display them as long as they have a name.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Nation

So joyous am I in a nation so free!
Where I can be whatever they say I may be!
So much liberty in our nation,
where people are jailed without explanation!
We avoid the danger of thought's oppression,
we never needed so much free expression!

Inside our government, no mistakes are made!
We all benefit from our modern crusades!

Oh, isn't it great to live like me,
as joyous as I in a nation so free?
Where cities can cite citizens for not keeping lawns tidy!
Where kids fear police who murder their race!
Where leaders are bought and paid for by banks!

I ask you once more, is it right to be
as joyous as I in a nation so free?


As hard as I try, my thoughts won't stay.
As soon as they come, they just fade away.
Images appear,but not for long
As soon as I look, they've already gone.
Thoughts flicker and they shake
They blur and they break.
They taunt me with glimpses of what's inside.
When people start laughing,
I just want to hide.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Who views this blog

I have viewers in each of these nations :)

United States 87
Mexico 2
Germany 2
United Kingdom 1
Finland 1
Sweden 1
Denmark 1
Australia 1
Canada 1

The Idiatriot

Being a blogger myself, I am guilty of an overgrown ego, yet I am willing to accept the fact that I am not saving America a little bit more with every post. Maybe I will inform you about something you didn't know e.g "Timbuktu", or I may post some poetry e.g "The Plan I and II", but not once have I claimed I was saving the sheeple of America.

If you dwell for not twenty minutes in the blogosphere, you will find a great heap of crackpots. The majority of such nuts are conspiracy theorists, that claim the most unlikely garbage to be truth. For these people, logic and reason take back seat to paranoia and misinformation. They tout multiple "patriotic" symbols such as the eagle, Statue of Liberty, and most commonly found is the Stars and Stripes. Perhaps pretending to be a superhero as a child wasn't sufficient for such fools, but they portray themselves as messiahs among morons. Such delusion is dangerous and will cause unnecessary violence and hatred. As great of a movie plot it maybe, claiming Satan to be the leader of a world controlling syndicate is foolish. How many impressionable people are going to be influenced by such ignorance to enact violent acts to fight an imaginary evil?
Revolutions have been fought by people in their times of need. If you trick the common people of today into the notion of a global conspiracy, violence towards authority will be inevitable. While the bloggers may feel they are informing, they are only putting gasoline over a match when they make such claims.

(I'll expand on this soon)

Leave your thoughts.

I really am baffled

I recently stumbled upon a Myspace bulletin entitled "Concentration Camps in America! Can this be true?" What I saw next would have humored me under different circumstances, yet under present conditions I was not. The bulletin contained a video in which it claims that Satan is in control of the New World Order. I immediately was angered that the person who posted this names themselves "Liberty Above All". Obviously that includes logic.......

Satan isn't real, never was, never will be. The NWO is not headed by the Lord of Darkness. Period the end.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

It Isn't Crazy

Some people think that 9/11 conspiracy theorists are insane saying "Why would Bush do that to his own country?" Now I don't really buy into the theories either, but is it really that crazy? Our government is responsible for Tuskegee, the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, the imprisonment of thousands of Japanese Americans, testing our reaction to biological weapon by secretly using them on us during the Cold War, the systematic decimation of Native American tribes, Watergate, and so much more. How crazy is it to believe that the greedy politicians wouldn't sacrifice some American lives for some money and power?

I know we all want to believe that we have some sort of evil-immune government, but we don't. If things continue the way they are we will be an oppressed people with very little rights. The government gave itself the ability to imprison you without trial with the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, how long will it be before a maniac decides to use it in his favor? The current state is the fault of past generations who are to afraid to rise up and forcefully protect their rights, and now with guns being outlawed we are losing our strength over our leaders.

It's sad that in time bloody revolution will be our only option to save ourselves, and this time we probably will lose.


Nancy Gibbs of Time magazine wrote an amazing essay entitled "Our Armies, Ourselves." in which she details the lack of support our nation gives to it's veterans. The story she tells is often spoken of by flag wavers in Congress and the Media, yet neither has even shown the slightest interest in providing any true support for our vets. With one in five veterans suffering from severe depression, one can only imagine the devastation being done to the troops in the Middle East, who are fighting enemies that are focusing on damaging the psyche of our soldiers as well as their bodies.
The problem is downplayed by many top officials, yet the effects can be felt by everyone. We can't expect our soldiers who are coming home with war related mental problems to simply cope with their experiences. Many of the veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming home from a battlefield that most of the nation feels they should never had been in. These soldiers have had friends die in the fighting, and often they watch their comrades being sent home without a leg or an arm.
We as a nation seem to forget that these men and women risked their lives so you don't have to. The government must provide therapy and medical support for these vets. Money is often the issue when it comes to such projects, yet we ignore the price tags that came with the wars the vets fought in. We are so quick in jumping into a war, yet once it's over, the players are just discarded and forgotten. That's no way to treat a hero.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Screw you Lenin

The true Father Of The Revolution VI Lenin may have promoted himself as a Marxist, yet his Machiavellian means by which his stateless society was to be created created another bourgeoisie class out of the government. Karl Marx's dictatorship of the proletarian idea was meant to be a shift in power to the common man not a true dictatorship as Lenin founded. Lenin focused more on using fear to control the proletarians into accepting the new regime. What Lenin accomplished was not a communist state but merely a ultra-dictatorship that paved the way for Josef Stalin to completely destroy any source of true "communism". Karl Marx wanted a temporary government to provide order and slowly fade from existence as the need for government ceases to exist, yet Lenin simply made the Communist leader the only figure of power in the USSR. The rise of Stalin and the Bolsheviks completely ended socialist rule and instead created a fascist state with only the disadvantages of Communism.

I would like to state that neither Marx nor Lenin had a perfect plan for society, but Marx fought for the proletarians' power in world affairs. I have socialist leanings in the form of Social Democracy that allows the for a direct democracy control of the prices of essential supplies such as oil, and no control over non necessities to allow for a free market.

But that still makes me somewhat socialist.

The Veil

Blinded by the veil she holds
All she sees is what she's told
Forced upon her by dark oppression
It became her sick obsession
The picture sewn into the veil
Is all she knows in her hell

As her sight begins to dim
She yearns to view the veil again
In desperation a candles lit
To see the veil's sweet silhouette
Yet no image forms inside her head
So weeps untill she's nearly dead
While no longer covered by her veil
Madness blinds just as well

Bloody tears run with such great haste
As the light begins to burn her face
O' woe is she who lost her cover
She will search in vain to find another
She claws at stone untill she bleeds
Upon her anguish insanity feeds

Never before had she seen such light
At least not one so bright

She remembers the pictures on the veil
The monsters and demons she knew so well
she heard their chants not a moment longer
Those songs they had used to call her

Mad and bloody she passed away
Yet this had been her greatest day

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Please Help My Friend

He's an ex-marine who is suffering from what sounds like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is having trouble functioning. He has a wife and kids and they are struggling to make ends meet and he needs some help in the form of comforting messages and advice. He has been unable to find work for sometime and he is unable to afford therapy for his stress and is using his blog a form of self therapy. This guy is a really cool guy who inspired this blog and he could use some help from you even though you probably have never even heard of him. Just read his story and give him some help.

This is his blog ""

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fox News Uses Fear

Fox News is the origin of much of the fear rhetoric that makes it's debut through the mouths of Fox's pundits and writers to scare people into following their ideologies. They claimed that those who appose the Iraq War are undermining our troops, and that "Left-Wingers" are crazy "loonies" that destroy our family values. They use fear as a tool to divert opposition from their points of view and this is harming our nation by destroying freethinking individuals and demonizing them.
One look at their web-page and one may find links to such tools as "Terror Survival Guide" and "WMD handbook" which inspires the ridiculous notion that we are constantly being attacked by such things as terrorists and WMDs. While we have been attacked by terrorists in the past and we are in danger of another occurrence the chance of the danger being present to everybody is absolutely minuscule. Unless we were to be attacked with nuclear or biological weapons, which are only obtainable by groups that are inspired to fight against the causes Fox perpetrates, our individual safety is still very excellent.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008


For all those who still believe that Blacks are less adept than Whites just look at Timbuktu. Founded in the AD 900s, Timbuktu became a scholarly powerhouse that specialized in producing manuscripts that were used by Europeans and Arabs alike. It was not until the Portugal enslaved people in the Songhai Empire that Timbuktu began a decline. Yet even during the slave trade Timbuktu remained a heavily scholarly city which continued to produce manuscripts until the final blow was set when Moroccan mercenaries took over the city. So in short, no race is any better than any other.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Rev. Wright Really Is Not Bat-Shit Crazy.

I never thought it was true...I guess God really does damn America........
And maybe the chickens are coming home to roost.....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Torch Goes To North Korea

The most depressing place on the planet has know been given the torch which symbolizes national cooperation and teamwork. Very inspiring if you ask me to see them open themselves up to the outer world. One man tried to set himself on fire in protest but was taken away to die in secret. Maybe NK will turn around with it's new Capitalist approaches.

In reply to the Comments on the previous post.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be different if the kids at our school were writing "I am Heterosexual" on their shirts. They were in fact bashing homosexuals by writing "True Love" on their shirts with a boy and girl stick figure holding hands.

April 27, 2008 11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and gays aren't disrespecting anyone on day of silence. They were stating that they are people and shouldn't be looked down upon like animals.

(Not that animals should be looked down upon, either.)

April 27, 2008 11:40 AM

This word "bashing" seems way harsh for this situation. If the shirts were to have said "We should kill the gays" I would say that is bashing. Saying that Heterosexual love is true love is not actually a threatening and hateful message.All it happens to be is a poorly thought up rebuttal to the Gay Rights argument. While it is foolish to say that gay love is not "true" love, it is still not hatred. While the people wearing the shirts may have hatred in their hearts, on their clothes is only foolishness.
Truth be told, I could care less if it was a hateful message. I am a true believer in freedom of speech and expression, especially when the message offends. The fact that someones feelings were hurt, just shows that the people whose feelings were hurt are in opposition to the statement and/or have felt prejudice before in their lives. Yet if we are to ban offensive messages the fact that those who hate gays were probably offended by the day of silence would render day of silence offensive and it should then be banned. Just because your views are in opposition to the anti-gay ideology, it does not give you the power to silence them. Isn't that the whole message of the Day of Silence.....not to silence people?

The fact that you would call these people bashers however shows that you probably were either offended by the statement they made or you assumed that it was hateful.

Yet the most important thing I could tell you is that if you want to help society by proving that gays are moral people, one must only prove this with logic and reason not censorship. You can change a person from a gay hater to a tolerant person if you show them the error of their beliefs and not insult them into a state of closed mindedness.