Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fox News Uses Fear

Fox News is the origin of much of the fear rhetoric that makes it's debut through the mouths of Fox's pundits and writers to scare people into following their ideologies. They claimed that those who appose the Iraq War are undermining our troops, and that "Left-Wingers" are crazy "loonies" that destroy our family values. They use fear as a tool to divert opposition from their points of view and this is harming our nation by destroying freethinking individuals and demonizing them.
One look at their web-page and one may find links to such tools as "Terror Survival Guide" and "WMD handbook" which inspires the ridiculous notion that we are constantly being attacked by such things as terrorists and WMDs. While we have been attacked by terrorists in the past and we are in danger of another occurrence the chance of the danger being present to everybody is absolutely minuscule. Unless we were to be attacked with nuclear or biological weapons, which are only obtainable by groups that are inspired to fight against the causes Fox perpetrates, our individual safety is still very excellent.


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