Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Idiatriot

Being a blogger myself, I am guilty of an overgrown ego, yet I am willing to accept the fact that I am not saving America a little bit more with every post. Maybe I will inform you about something you didn't know e.g "Timbuktu", or I may post some poetry e.g "The Plan I and II", but not once have I claimed I was saving the sheeple of America.

If you dwell for not twenty minutes in the blogosphere, you will find a great heap of crackpots. The majority of such nuts are conspiracy theorists, that claim the most unlikely garbage to be truth. For these people, logic and reason take back seat to paranoia and misinformation. They tout multiple "patriotic" symbols such as the eagle, Statue of Liberty, and most commonly found is the Stars and Stripes. Perhaps pretending to be a superhero as a child wasn't sufficient for such fools, but they portray themselves as messiahs among morons. Such delusion is dangerous and will cause unnecessary violence and hatred. As great of a movie plot it maybe, claiming Satan to be the leader of a world controlling syndicate is foolish. How many impressionable people are going to be influenced by such ignorance to enact violent acts to fight an imaginary evil?
Revolutions have been fought by people in their times of need. If you trick the common people of today into the notion of a global conspiracy, violence towards authority will be inevitable. While the bloggers may feel they are informing, they are only putting gasoline over a match when they make such claims.

(I'll expand on this soon)

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