Thursday, March 6, 2008

maybe im sexist

Maybe I'm sexist or maybe just ignorant, but isn't it time for feminists to just not take 60% and only go for half?

Until women give up their "women and children first" rule, I keep the 10c for every dollar I earn over a woman as a tax. Maybe I want to get on first and not die? I thought feminists want equal rights? Then you get the equal chance of getting the lifeboat seat that comes with it. Also I expect you to be raised to "rub dirt in it", which by the by has yet to cure a single wound. And, girls of course must follow the same "fight and die for the homeland!" rule that men are drafted into following. And did I forget that you are going to pay for half of the expenses of every thing we do together?
I don't see why I should give you the same privaleges as me and still I have to be the one dying and buying. If you want the joys, throw away the helpless attitude you have. You want equality step into the man's world and fight in our wars and expect to be just as desposable in an emergency as men.

This is not the message to Women everywhere but to indavidual women who can earn my respect by being equall.

and I am well aware of the male dominance and suppression of women rights, yet I also know Its been difficult. But men have allowed women to become equal, and I just want the women who are in this transistion time to realize they also gain man's responsability which is just something some dont get.

o well

comment and tell me how sexist I am.


do it


recycledlove27 said...

Who says that men get to make the final decision in wether or not women deserve their respect? Women are just as worthy as men. What makes men better than women? We're all people and we deserve equal rights. I'm not trying to criticize you for being sexist I just want you to think about what you're saying. Women contribute to society just as much as men do. Where would we be if Marie Curie had never discovered radium that we use for our x-rays? What is Rose Parks hadn't refused to give up her bus seat? What if Queen Elizabeth had never created the Elizabethan Age? What would have happened to all those African American slaves if Harriet Tubman had never found the underground railroad? Also without women you wouldn't be alive because it was a WOMAN who brought you into the world. I'm not saying that men don't contribute to society and there have been plenty of men who have changed the world and the way we think. Just remember that we may not have equal rights right now, but man or women we're all people.

Jacob said...

This post was actually meant as a jest to a mega feminist who I just wanted to joke with.

I don't actually believe what I wrote

and sorry to have confused you.

also I don't believe that Harriet Tubman founded the underground railroad, but she did use it and help others escape slavery using it.

thanks for reading tho!!!
