Monday, March 31, 2008

Man Should Just Give Up.....


who the fuck cant cant carry a pen AND a fishing pole when they go fishing????

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Brains are Stange.

You would think that man would know almost everything there is to know about brains, seeing as it is what makes us, us.

The approximately 2.75 lbs of cells numbering greater than the number of stars in the Milky Way, seems to do some pretty crazy things. First of all, the brain we are given is basically us. Since our mind is in the brain, and our mind is us, it is safe to say that we are in our brain. If you were to lose everything else in your body but your brain, which is miraculously saved and kept alive via some sort of machine, we would still be aware of our own existence and possess thought. In fact, if you feel that everything you have ever experienced is a record of your life, you would be referring to everything that was interpreted by your brain. It's almost as if you were your brain and the rest of your body is just things for your brain to fiddle with.
This hunk of tissue is can actually understand that it exists. Within this tissue lies two minds, your conscious and your subconscious. The subconscious is responsible for the maintenance of your body, and your own protection. Your subconscious is protecting you even when you have no idea it is. For example, when you are grossed out by something it is your subconscious telling you to get away from what ever it is that is grossing you out. Imagine your subconscious as another mind whose sole purpose is protecting you.

Well anyway I just thought this was somewhat interesting, so comment it!

Friday, March 28, 2008

You Paint But You Do Not Know Art

This is to all those kids who think they are totally awesome because they are fashionable, or maybe they paint pretty pictures, or maybe they take pictures of themselves in strange positions next to random objects like lamps or photos. You are not an artist for what you do, or you just suck ass at art....

I know you hippies may think your super creative for making a unique drawing or painting, but the only reason it's unique is because it sucks and only a moron would think of it.

First off, what is art? Art is a (product of) human activity, made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind; by transmitting emotions and/or ideas. (Wikipedia).So when you paint a picture, and it has not intentions of causing a specific feeling or thought when viewed, it is not art. I'm sorry that I am breaking this news to you, not really, but I thought it would be nice of me to say this.

Second, lets say you think your sense of style is artistic, are you an artist? NO. Maybe I'm missing something, but I have not been given an emotion other than anger from people's style, at least from the people who try to appear artistic on purpose. I think you look like a moron who cares if they look fashionable or not.

And P.S wearing clothes with the name or picture of an artist does not magically make you a freaking artist you dumbass, its not like superman and his costume.

All you guys who think you are indie, your not.

your just like all the other indie kids

Do you really think there is anyone else like me?
I haven't met them!

as always

Go fuck yourself.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lets Talk Race...

First off I would like to state I am NOT racist in anyway and if you aren't adult enough to discuss race don't read this.

Barrack Obama recently made what was his greatest speech yet. His speech was regarding the crazy pastor, and touched many key points in race. I think he hit the nail on the head with his comments on our racial stalemate. His discussion of the disdain between races is brutally honest, and just what we need. Obama realizes that race shouldn't be such a taboo if we are to end it. Having an open discussion about race between different people should be encouraged not punished.
We seem to treat races as we do in video games, we give them certain characteristics that is unique to each race. The real truth is that the only unique trait blacks have compared to whites is better U.V. protection. Blacks don't need help because they are black, they sometimes need help (just like whites and latinos) rising up in the social ladder. Black people and other ethnic people don't need the help of white people to be normal. They are human beings and we seem to forget this. The only reason race even matters today is because of the separations we did during racist times. During those times the races stayed to themselves and created cultures that varied from race to race. The real issue today is culture, not race. This is the thing I feel Obama missed. He would talk about race comments and races as if the issue was the race itself, not the societal norms within these races.
The end of racism towards black people also requires a drastic change within the black community as well. The culture developed by the disenfranchised blacks of the past has created a spiteful feeling towards whites in many poorer communities. The same goes to the white community who seem to get the feeling that blacks are not smart enough to handle themselves in society. These whites are those who make "diversity" programs to help those who aren't white.

In short, this topic requires some real intelligence to handle. I don't just bullshit you guys and I really think deeply before I write, and so should the rest of you. Even if you think you aren't a racist, think really deep to WHY you want to help people different than you? is it because you think they are just people who are in a bad situation because of racism, or do you think its because they need your help?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We Forgot Something.

I am astonished and ashamed at the Christians in the heart of the "crazy Obama pastor" scandal thing.The scandal involves some crazy motherfucker who keeps saying God DAMN America! and something about chickens going home.Basically a nonimportant fact but a great news story. But this does not make me any less mad. Now, I'm not mad at Obama for going to that church, I'm not even mad at the media for hounding Obama for going to the pastor's church. What I am mad at is actually that we are arguing about the wrong issue! I think the real issue here is that all these reporters and politicians are overwhelmingly Christian, yet they said "fuck you Jesus!" by basically ripping the pastor a new asshole(thereby creating three assholes, the pastor, his original anus, and his new anus.).

I'm going to let this one slide however Christians, because its only your 14145235th time. I am going to give you a stern talking to however.

How dare you not listen to your LORD and Saviour? Don't pretend this is your first time! Remember the Catholic priest thing? You also disobeyed your GOD while judging another Christian! tsk tsk..... Don't you remember Matthew 7:2-5, Matthew 7:1, Matthew7:2-5, John 7:24, or anything? Maybe you should take a time out for being a dumbass....

as always... much love

and go fuck yourself dumbass!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear Jesus!

Leave it to the Christ huggers in the band Black Sabbath to argue for religion. In the song
"After Forever" Ozzy goes to pose the question,"Could it be that your afraid of what your friend might say if they knew that you believe in God above? Should they realize before the criticize that God is the only way to love?" I find this not only out of place in Black Sabbath lyrics, but also rather intelligent. This song does not promote religion, it simply says that saying you are an atheist when you are not, is wrong.
I see a lot of folks these days that have some type of nonsense belief in "God". Why I say it is nonsense is because these types of beliefs are usually based from the believers own desires, not logical observation or any divine revelation. Yet, it is not these people that irritate me. The true problems lie within the "non-believers". There are so many poor saps in the atheist movement who would also be gullible enough to fall for religion, if they weren't too stupid to pay attention that is. My Agnosticism stems from some deep thinking, research, and logical observations. I don't choose my faith because I know my odds of being right are 1 and everything else, not because I think the idea of a sentient creator is stupid, which it isn't, but believing in it very well can be.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Badass: Beyond the ass

After seeing some rather amazing special effects, I had a question dawn on me. What makes certain things badass? And more importantly, why do we love the badass?

I began my hypothesizing by thinking of other animals that view things as "badass". I began remembering a video I saw on gorillas. I remember that the video said that one male is born in each group that has a patch of white hair on it's back. This makes the gorilla the alpha male. This patch of white is apparently extremely badass to these gorillas, as most males fear the silverback.
I soon came to the conclusion that my first thoughts were going no where in my search for the nature of the badass. So I tried harder. I then came to the idea that maybe it wasn't the white hairs on the back of the silverback that makes it badass, but it is the power that the fir represents. The alpha male is the leader, is this where the badassness begins?
I thought back to all the things that I idolized for their badassness as a child. I came up with three, the first is Starscream from Transformers, the second was Darth Vader (i'm a nerd), and the third was Godzilla. Two out of the these three had extreme power, Starscream just has the coolest name ever. Vader had the force and the storm troopers to give him power, and Godzilla had lazer vision. Those two are equally badass, yet I still didn't know if it was the power they held that made them badass, or the way they used them.
I began to dwell further into this badass theory and, I realized that badassness itself is badass, and badassness is not powerful in itself. I thought about whether there even is a true reason for badassness. I couldn't think of a characteristic that is shared by all the baddass things, and this is when I realized that badass should stay a mystery. Just like a joke, when deconstructed, badass becomes ordinary.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

They don't need your help

Social programs and affirmative action programs are demeaning in nature.

The nature of such programs are to help those who need help from others in order to be equal. Does this mean that our ethnic minorities are not smart enough to be like white people? No, it means that many white people are soft racists. These people don't hate ethnic people, they just inherently view them as inferior and in need of help. I personally see this as ignorant and wrong. Ethnic people statistically show differences in I.Q between ethnic groups, often showing American Jews and Asians being at the top in the numbers and African Americans and Latinos being in the lower end. This is not due to their skin color, but because of their money and upbringing. While some groups of people may just be genetically predespossed to slight increase or decrease in I.Q, mostly it is due to the schooling these people go to. Just look at Barrack Obama, he is African American and also one of the most intelligent person I've ever seen.

All people without mental disabilities should be treated equally. No-one should receive special treatment or less opportunities, but should be treated like everyone else. White people don't need to allow black people to get jobs easier than white people, but should both be given the exact same opportunities. If anything it should be that rich people help the poor get the same opportunities, but this is just because unlike skin color, differences in wealth do cause trouble for those on the lower end.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh Liberals...

The new call from the Liberals is bi-partisanship, yet they don't seem to be willing to give up their ideals for the sake of compromise. How many Democrats do you hear saying "We will trade you the war on Iraq for gun control."? I have yet to see a true bi-partisan effort in the Democratic party. Then I realized something..... They don't want to have bi-partisanship efforts, they just want Republicans to vote Democratic!

If they can complain about the uber-conservative hold on the Executive Branch, why don't they complain about their majority in the Legislative Branch? They just want Republicans to think they will get help when they need it by voting Democrat.

Now I know I don't believe much in our sham of a government or our politics, I like to point out flaws in their charade.

My Predicament

How am I supposed to find information if I cant trust the media?

Dr. Seuss

After seeing the movie Horton Hears a Who, I began remembering all the messages I was told as a child from mister Seuss.

The first book I must mention would be The 500 hats of bartholomew Cubbins. This book was the book that taught me that beheading is an OK subject to talk about to children. The second book I would like to talk about is the Foot Book, or as I call it, why I'm not racist. The Foot Book is actually the book that taught me not to judge others. Yes, you heard me, The Foot Book. I learned that everyone has different feet, but we are all the same in that we have feet. It is corny but true.
While we are talking about life lessons, why not speak of the book called, "Horton Hatches an Egg"? This book, the first featuring Horton, taught me to stick to my promises and I too, may hatch a bird-elephant mutant. Because remember, I said what I meant and I meant what I said, and an elephant is faithful one-hundred percent. I also learned to be responsible because I may one day be in charge of the love child of an avion-elephant love triangle.
What about the Cat and the Hat you ask? Well thats when i learned to let strange overweight hairy men go wild in my home while my Mom is not home while I hallucinate my fish can talk and reason. Or how about Green Eggs and Ham? This story taught me to never waste perfectly good food just because it is contaminated with some sort of green fungus. I also learned peer pressure is just a good persons way of showing a great discovery to people!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

To do list

1. Blog.

2. Learn Everything I can on String Theory.

3. Blog about it.

4. post 1342 bullitens with a link to it on myspace.

5. get 2 views.

6. get no comments.

7. write a new post on why cancer is racist (this time make it a tiny post).

8. post 1 bulliten on myspace.

9. get 10 views.

10. get 3 comments.

11. repeat 2-6 except write about why thesauruses are harming our children.

12. feel accomplished about my 14 views of the day.

13. repeat 1-12.

The Most Evil Man Alive

Joshua Blahyi, an ex-fighter in the Liberian civil war, is responsible for the deaths of 20000 people. Warlord of the Krahn tribe, he claims he was called by the devil on a telephone, and that the devil was his protector. He became the spiritual leader of his tribe and began waging war. Before he went into battle, he would sacrifice a small child after he found kids playing in water, in which he would swim under the water, grab a child, pull him under and break their neck. Blahyi also admits to eating young children's hearts for protection in battle by the devil. He and his teen soldiers would fight completely naked except for their shoes and a rifle. He drank the blood of those he killed. He says he did it for the devil. He killed a man and sacrificed him to the devil at age 11.
Near the end of the conflict, this madman "converted" to Christianity. This killer of 20000 people who drank the blood and ate the hearts of children, says it isn't his fault. The devil told him to do it but he's "sorry". He is now the leader of the End Time Train Evangelistic Ministries Inc.

That is not helping my view on the world.
That bastard should be flayed alive and have salt poured on him!Not be allowed to be freaking president of a church!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Halliburton Gives Troops Nasty Water

This non-thinker thought that he could get away with giving our troops water that is three times more contaminated than the Euphrates River water. Why don't Republicans cry out against this man and say he doesn't support the troops? Because Republicans are idiots.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Paradigm

I understand you may not care about me in the slightest, but I think this will help those who struggle for meaning in their life.

To ask the question "why am I here" is normal. What is not normal is for someone to not accept the answers given to them. Perhaps they know the answers are false, perhaps they understand they will never know an unshaken answer, or maybe they just can't understand. I personally could not grasp why I am so obsessed with finding the answer to the question. But, one day I came to the realization that in my case it is my instinctual need to survive trying to find relevance in this insanely protective world that drives my need for an answer. I realize that man is extremely intelligent, intelligent enough to understand they desire survival. We all are born with the drive to stay alive, and mankind needs to explain why it needs to survive if we are to answer the previous question.
Why does man need to stay alive? This question seems so absurd, yet it is the absurdity you feel that shows a protective subconscious that wants to shield us from our curiosity. I began to ask myself, why does man need to live? My answer is that it doesn't,but I like it when it does so I give it importance.
Through this process I have been able to come to terms with my importance. I hope you can too.

comment this

The Bad Ass Nation of Israel part 1

One nation above all others can claim the name of badass. That nation is Israel. Tiny in size, giant in balls.

The Jewish state's intelligence wing is known for being amazingly good at what it does. Even the name Mossad sounds rather awesome, yet the operations it has performed blow my mind. They include: Capturing Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal in Argentina, the dude went under the name Ricardo Klement, he was caught and killed. The Mossad also flat out assassinated Nazi Herberts Curkers in Brazil. The Mossad stole plans on the Mirage fighter from France and got away with it. They even sent letter bombs to harass an old Nazi, and blew some fingers off and an eye.

thats so cool

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The FCCs reply to my email!!!

Dear Consumer,

Thank you for contacting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This is an automated message to confirm that we have received your correspondence. We will review your information to determine how we can best serve you.

If you need to send additional information, you may reply back with this email, leaving the case number (example: CIMS0123456789) in the subject line, or contact us at our toll free phone number 1-888-Call-FCC (1-888-225-5322) and reference the case number.

The Federal Communications Commission Last Day of Analog Broadcasting Is February 17, 2009. ARE YOU READY?

At midnight on February 17, 2009, federal law requires that all full power television stations will stop broadcasting in analog format and will broadcast only in digital. Go to or call us at 1-888-CALL-FCC to learn more about how this may affect you.

Visit us at our Web Site located at, where you will find a wealth of information on a wide variety of communications-related topics.

---------- Original Message ----------
Received: 3/9/2008 4:18:23 AM
Subject: Major Act of Indecency

I would like to complain about something which I believe is so incredibly indecent and immoral that I cannot stand by idly. I feel that the private government organization called the "FCC" is indecently infringing on my unalienable right to freedom of speech. I request that the FCC ban the FCC from destroying my freedom.

I view this group as immoral on the grounds that people have the freewill to change the station or channel and have no power to force anyone to live as they see fit. Am I wrong?

As I stated before I would like to request the FCC to completely censor the FCC from any further degradation on America.

Jacob Evans

I request a response email from my government servants.

Thank You!

Our gravest threats to humanity!

ROCKS OMFG!!!!!!!!!

At those poor poor tanks!


You Need To Think!

Do you really believe the world will just come to you overnight? Do you think the great men and women that shaped our world didn't care about whats really going on in the world?
You blind people love regurgitating information from books, movies, etc. Try thinking about things first! Try checking your facts after you think! You guys just want to be different, I do too! I check my facts and numbers though. Do you? Or do you think your right? If you do think your right do you put your arguments up for debate? or do you hide them away and use the "its just what I believe" excuse? I wont except that anymore, especially when I am directly affected by your ignorance! You have the same power to elect officials as I, yet I worry you will just vote blindly.

Go fuck yourself!

Monday, March 10, 2008

About the African video at our school

While yes the situation in Uganda is sad, we are not to be too rash about sending any money or troops. First we must attempt to find the credibility of the Ugandan Army. If it is non corrupt in most areas, we should lend fighting vehicles and weapons and training to allow for a retake of the nation. If the nation does not contain a serious military, American troops should not be sent in until pressure on the surounding nations is no longer working. It is still a African war and not an North American war. Just like we wouldn't expect South African forces to ever help America if we were attacked, we should maintain a pacifist approach if we want any progress. Last time we sent direct military funding to under equipped fighters we got Al Quieda from Mujahadeen forces.
And I urge you to ask yourself, are these people just helpless? If you said yes, slap yourself for being a patronizing ass. These are just as capable humans as Americans and should be required of the same way. This is not to say we should expect first world cooperation and such, but rape and genocide among government forces is just evil. Never excuse an adult for murdering even against his own will. If the people were to die anyway lessen the blame, but being sent out to find victims requires a inhuman instinct anyway.
It is still Uganda's responsibility to fight this war for the most part, but supporting them with weapons will not be a breach in responsibility.

Shake up your views

I like to give my own strange opinion on everything. Tonight I want to give AN opinion on a lot of common sense questions that may give you a new perspective

first/ Murder is bad right? Wrong murder will only be a quickening on the pain we all will feel on our death bed which over shadows all other joy. Also ethics for me could be different for you. I could see it as good to kill and if you stop me you are being immoral to me and therefor deserve death!

(not my real opinion)

second/ you can prove almost anything through observation right? Wrong. We can never be sure that what we observe is not just a game our mind plays on us. We can never be sure our world is round even when we see it in space. How do we know it doesnt just adjust position to ourself?

nothing can be truly proven "all that I know is that I know nothing" Socrates

(my real opinion)


To all those who feel grades show how smart a person is!

Grades do not in anyway grade on smarts. The teachers gave us all the information anyway, all grades are is a measurement of hard work.

I meet a lot of 4.0 idiots and I get angry now and then. Seriously stop calling me an idiot and not debating me on it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh my god it's amazing

How suprising! another Christian judged me!

I'm suprised because the bible says judging is a no-no.

But hey thats Christians for ya!

I think I need to repost this as I saw some things that were the subject of this


Art is a staple in society. Art influences the masses. Art is important for our way of life.

One who can create an emotion in nearly all people who view their work is an artist. The more the message is cleverly woven into the work, the greater the artist. An artist is not just someone who can paint a great picture, or write flowing poetry, or produces popular music. Art involves the giving a message to the masses. Art is rhetoric. Art is a description of man's shared interpretation of our universe. Art can be love but also hate, it all depends on the work itself.
I previously stated I disdain the new fad called "modern art" that has been vomiting it's way into the art scene for some time. When I say modern art I'm talking the random configuration of cool looking pictures and sculptures. I'm talking about the thing that so many of us seem to replace true art with. I'm talking about, bad art.
I don't seem to find any emotional recognition with this so called "Art". I don't really feel anything imparticular at all for that matter. All I see is a chick with a spoon, or a duck on a purple banana. Neither of these make me ponder or realize anything. All I took from my experiences with these horrible pictures is that I should enjoy real art. I should gaze in awe to the panic I see in Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine chapel. I should burn the picture with a chick and a spoon.
This crap art with unimportant messages, or none at all, is stealing the tool we used before words. We used art, either by picture or performance to survive. Art was a tool that we would have respected as much as we should respect our language.

modern art.... GO FUCK YOURSELF

and same to all the pricks who think they are Indie for taking strange pictures on digital cameras and then saying it's art. no it isn't..... It's a chick holding a fucking spoon.

A Literal Picture of the Past

My actual complaint email to the FCC PLEASE DO THIS TOO

I would like to complain about something which I believe is so incredibly indecent and immoral that I cannot stand by idly. I feel that the private government organization called the "FCC" is indecently infringing on my unalienable right to freedom of speech. I request that the FCC ban the FCC from destroying my freedom.

I view this group as immoral on the grounds that people have the freewill to change the station or channel and have no power to force anyone to live as they see fit. Am I wrong?

As I stated before I would like to request the FCC to completely censor the FCC from any further degradation on America.

Jacob Evans

I request a response email from my government servants.

Thank You!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What is so Scary About Death?

Mankind has only one true universal fear, and that is of death. This fear has driven religions to rise and false hope to spread. People will believe nearly anything to nullify the fear of dying. I have asked myself "Why is death so scary?"I have an answer.

Death is scary because it is the end. Death is when we just stop being alive at all and therefor just.... gone. I fear this personally and have recently come to respect the fears of others and their beliefs of life after death. I don't believe in their religion, but I don't blame them for fearing. Death is scary because thats when your no longer ever able to do anything or experience anything. The things we do when we are alive will not be remembered by us and we wont be able to experience any respect we get after we die. This topic makes me afraid as I don't believe in an afterlife. There maybe one though. And this possibility, however slim, comforts me, much as religion once had. I think of the possibility of anything after death, which I really have no clue about as I have no way of finding out without dying. The important thing for me however is just to not assume anything. If I assume that my bleak view of death is true, I will live in fear and can still be very wrong. Yet, If I were to assume that there is an afterlife I am making an assumption on no evidence which is crazy, and I would live my life with less enthusiasm.

But even if my bleak view is right, I take some comfort in knowing that nothing would happen. I get scared that I won't be able to remember what I did or experience anything. I realized though, I wont feel anything negative either, I will be in nirvana.

The funny thing is that I also believe reincarnation is possible just by the fact that if you were to put all the atoms of the "living you" back together somehow, the corpse will now be just like it was when it was alive and, therefor alive.

There is so many factual ways to null your fears, they work much better than religion.

Two perfects

Socrates once argued that there are two perfects, one is infinite pleasure, the other is knowledge. Socrates also predicted most would choose infinite pleasure, and those who chose knowledge would eventually choose pleasure also. I don't see this as the case.

I do agree that most will choose pleasure, yet I believe that meaningfulness and extreme happiness would be the greeters of those who choose knowledge. I say this because learning about existence and other great mysteries will end our fears, and once we are without fear we will be fulfilled and content with our place.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Art is a staple in society. Art influences the masses. Art is important for our way of life.

One who can create an emotion in nearly all people who view their work is an artist. The more the message is cleverly woven into the work, the greater the artist. An artist is not just someone who can paint a great picture, or write flowing poetry, or produces popular music. Art involves the giving a message to the masses. Art is rhetoric. Art is a description of man's shared interpretation of our universe. Art can be love but also hate, it all depends on the work itself.
I previously stated I disdain the new fad called "modern art" that has been vomiting it's way into the art scene for some time. When I say modern art I'm talking the random configuration of cool looking pictures and sculptures. I'm talking about the thing that so many of us seem to replace true art with. I'm talking about, bad art.
I don't seem to find any emotional recognition with this so called "Art". I don't really feel anything imparticular at all for that matter. All I see is a chick with a spoon, or a duck on a purple banana. Neither of these make me ponder or realize anything. All I took from my experiences with these horrible pictures is that I should enjoy real art. I should gaze in awe to the panic I see in Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine chapel. I should burn the picture with a chick and a spoon.
This crap art with unimportant messages, or none at all, is stealing the tool we used before words. We used art, either by picture or performance to survive. Art was a tool that we would have respected as much as we should respect our language.

modern art.... GO FUCK YOURSELF

and same to all the pricks who think they are Indie for taking strange pictures on digital cameras and then saying it's art. no it isn't..... It's a chick holding a fucking spoon.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Your Weak

This is for all those who feel strongly on subjects but think argument is pointless.

Debate is the formal way to argue two opposing points through a logical "game". Who ever said debate is just bickering was wrong. Debate is used to make factual arguments bulletproof, not to insult. Therefor those who are not willing to debate their beliefs are either fearing they are wrong, or weak. When I say weak I mean, not intelligent enough to actually carry a debate anyway. You don't have to be right to be a good debater, you just need a skeptical mindset, a quick mind, and rhetorical skills.
How much can a person trust their argument if they aren't brave enough to put it out for harsh criticism? Obviously not much.

Of course you are always welcome to debate ANY post of mine and I'll debate back

maybe im sexist

Maybe I'm sexist or maybe just ignorant, but isn't it time for feminists to just not take 60% and only go for half?

Until women give up their "women and children first" rule, I keep the 10c for every dollar I earn over a woman as a tax. Maybe I want to get on first and not die? I thought feminists want equal rights? Then you get the equal chance of getting the lifeboat seat that comes with it. Also I expect you to be raised to "rub dirt in it", which by the by has yet to cure a single wound. And, girls of course must follow the same "fight and die for the homeland!" rule that men are drafted into following. And did I forget that you are going to pay for half of the expenses of every thing we do together?
I don't see why I should give you the same privaleges as me and still I have to be the one dying and buying. If you want the joys, throw away the helpless attitude you have. You want equality step into the man's world and fight in our wars and expect to be just as desposable in an emergency as men.

This is not the message to Women everywhere but to indavidual women who can earn my respect by being equall.

and I am well aware of the male dominance and suppression of women rights, yet I also know Its been difficult. But men have allowed women to become equal, and I just want the women who are in this transistion time to realize they also gain man's responsability which is just something some dont get.

o well

comment and tell me how sexist I am.


do it

Hammered in Preschool

Apparently a four year old girl got hammered before school and had been picked up by Oklahoma city cops. The girl also was reported as "falling down" and showing "strange behavior". The child began drinking and somehow made it to school until the teacher suspected something

the kids fine

also apparently I'm the only one who thinks this is the funniest thing ever. I just imagine a 4 year old with a bottle of bourbon stumbling around getting angry at everyone. Probably saying stuff like "Bitch..... get off my teeter totter before I cut you!"

comment on your opinions

Seriously Stop Whining

This is for all the people in High School who think life sucks.

Stop whining, it's not life that sucks, it's you! Seriously what the hell can be so bad about your life that it requires you to whine to everyone else about it while you drive around in Daddy's BMW? The truth is, this is the easiest time of your life. You live in a rich nation and are given only minor problems to deal with. Wanting to kill yourself because your not popular is just freaking retarded. What about those kids in Iraq who want to not die at school? I bet most of them don't even want to be popular as it might attract attention to them from those who want to kill them!
Be thankful your even in a school, many don't. Your all being selfish when you feel that you are being "picked on", be thankful that your not starving! Don't take yourself so seriously, who the fuck cares if you get made fun of? not me! The problems we face are so freaking small compared to the actual suffering in the rest of the world.

Who the hell cares if "jimmy doesn't like you" at least jimmy doesn't rape you and give you AIDS like in other parts of the world you fucking prick

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's not your desicision.

Every freaking day some moron tries to pass a ban on something that they see as indecent. Those assholes need to quit trying to make other people's decisions. For example, gays getting married is a common subject these days. Some think it's an "abomination" and others see it as a personal decision to get married and non of our business.
I don't care if gays make you grossed out, I don't care if it makes you sad. It isn't your right to stop people's rights in order to feel comfortable. How much of a selfish prick must one be to refuse someone the right to be with their love in union with one another, just so you can feel less grossed out?
It isn't just gays that get the decency police on the rile, suicide is also a touchy subject. I feel sad just thinking about the topic, yet I would never take another's right to choose this personal decision away. I like allot of us, have empathy for those in such pain, yet if the person wants to do something to themselves that doesn't endanger others, it is their will. We still would have the right to talk them out of it, but if it is their wish we should honor it.
Why would you feel you have the authority to stop someone from doing something that harms no one else? What if I banned your fat ass from burgers because I feel you are making unhealthy choices and it's for your own good? Or if I made sex illegal out of procreational means? or if I banned sienfeld because he creeps me out?
I dont do that because those are your decisions you dumbass!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Diversity Programs are Racist

Political assholes seem intent on making our youth as patronizing as possible. If these "diversity" groups think all people are equal why would they assume minorities need extra help? Are gays not smart enough to catch up with heterosexuals on there own, or do they need the help of straight people to get them going? Do blacks need extra careful attention to their sensitivities towards racists?
All groups like that are extremely destructive. They are probably made from good intentions,but they are intentions formed from the same empathy felt when you see something helpless being bullied. Minorities are people just like the majority, and to treat them as helpless people who require special attention because of their race or religion or sexuality, is demeaning. While helping our fellow man is great, doing so out of pure pity of inferiority is not.
If you don't believe me about the insulting nature of these groups, try looking for a group of "lets save Africa" people and ask them why Africa isn't able to help themselves? They will begin to speak of Africans as if they are morons who can barely tie their shoes and less like humans. Anyone who supports diversity programs are just people of the majority trying to kneel down from their high pedestal to help the weak minority. Thats patronizing and ignorant.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sean Hannity can kiss my balls

Sean Hannity for all of those who don't know, is the Dousche on Hannity's America (like it's his country haha) that seems to love to criticize the "leftist nuts" who criticize republicans yet if his show doesnt have a special on the evils of hillary Clinton then Hannity is probably not on television.

And Colmes looks like hes a big man in a little man's skin

Why I Blog And Why You Should Keep Reading It

I blog to express my opinions that would otherwise be unheard. I am interested in things like philosophy, something many don't know. I can argue morality for hours and not care about the new fad that people get washed into. I am frustrated at the lack of individuals willing to debate things like philosophy and instead many don't even read my blog.

I figure that if no one is willing to debate me then at least I can try to "inform" as much as a 15 year old kid can inform someone. I do get scared that my "know it all" attitude shows in my blog. I am the first to admit I am not that smart and know relatively little compared to what I feel I know. I am just a kid with a blog. But at least I'm blogging and trying to help.

I am glad I get the small amount of feedback that I do receive. It lets me know where I can improve and develop as a thinker. Yet I still receive only a handful of views a month and nearly never do I receive any honest feedback. I still ask for my few readers to recommend the Think to a friend and maybe the blog will grow.

I just mainly wish to do something with my think. I can't let it sit there and rot. I like to let it go and relax in the fact that maybe I'll teach someone something. I don't get my kicks from lying and almost always will use readable data that I can source on request, so don't think I'm not telling the truth.

well anyway I doubt anyone read this so if you do post a comment.

What is Wrong With The Media

When I say media I don't mean the Internet, I mean nearly everything else. The News, T.V, Radio, Newspaper, you name it.

The media is part of the greatest lie known to man, or should I say "lies". The media is affiliated with banks, and the Government. Those two groups have destroyed more lives than anything else by far.This trio cooperates most likely out of greed. The banks buy off politicians, the politicians then become the bank's protection. The Banks also buy stocks in the media groups like Fox and CNN, then even at 5% of the stocks, they have huge influence on these companies as the banks control the money supply. The media then is pressured into covering the politicians owned by the banks. Thereby solidifying the banks iron grip on America.

While I do admit the connection between the groups are all possibly (however unlikely) a coincidence, but the numbers are all there. Just the nature of banking is diabolic. Banks that are given control of a nations money have the exclusive right to create money out of nothing, and still be able to be a PRIVATE BUSINESS. So these banks like, Chase, Bank of America, and so on, are all allowed to pay business expenses by making there own money. Every time we buy something with our money we are paying off a debt to the banks that can never be payed off.

If you borrow money for a bank to but a house, the bank just writes the loan down on a ledger and just "says" the borrowers have money. This costs the bank nothing, and the borrowers are obligated to pay the bank the money back to the bank and even add interest. there by making a loan that is free to the banks and is worth 60000 dollars will be payed back at around 200000 instead. The bank basically charged you to say they gave you money they never had, but now exists since they wrote it down and they make the money in the first place.

So how would you get out of debt when you have no money, you owe the people who make money and are never in debt, and the only way to get more stuff is to take a bigger loan out therefor creating much higher debt. Yet, as all major purchases require money, you must take the loans and get your fake money to drive your self further in a hole.

If you haven't heard of this then it is probably because the media doesn't talk about it as it is partially owned by the banks. Since the News is the largest supplier of "knowledge" no one really learns about this evil. The only people who have the power to stop it, the politicians, are being payed off by the banks anyway.

This is the problem with money that is only worth what the makers say it is worth, fiat money. My call to action would be to make money out of its true value. for example, we could back our money with gold promising real value as gold is a lasting commodity. Of course we would price our gold dollar by its gold value and basically would require banks to have the gold to back it with. A gold based dollar will lead to a stable dollar value making saving a smart thing to do.



Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Great Holocaust of America

The vast majority of Americans will assume the 6 million dead Jews in the 1940's was the death count of the great Holocaust. The real Holocaust had much more casualties and spanded over three hundred years. possibly 100million native American's died from European deseas and war. These people were ethical human beings who lived like man should be. They took only what they needed and were not greedy in deals. They can be the symbol of the world today. Slowly the good people are losing thier culture and numbers as they become just like the greedy Europeans.

I'm not saying this out of racism but out of cultural ideals. I see the ethics of the native Americans as superior and pure not out of color but due to the actions of the people. While Natives that became large empires became as coroded as European empires, the tribes seemed to thrive on their ethos and seemed innocent to the evils of greed.

We are destroying ourselves by caring about everything we have. And I'm part of the problem

I dare you if you think you aren't very materialistic to
not use your phone for a month (it is just a thing that is not neccesary to live with as I get along fine without using mine.)

Dont comb your hair (its just hair) (wash it though as you can get sick from poor hygene)

Wear the ugliest clothes you can find (its just clothes and if your not materialistic who cares how ugly they are?)

if your a girl dont wear make up

Then tell me your not materialistic.

Hypocricy at Work!

Recently(today) I got into an argument with someone who told me that he believes if you had a high enough IQ you would have psychic powers like telekinesis. His only "evidence" was of course that I cant prove him wrong, but he had the burden of proof if he was to be at all rational. His chances of being correct are less than his chances of winning the lottery one hundred times in a row,yet he is certain. He also calls Christians insane for their beliefs, even though they follow the same leap of faith, and at least Christians can't be proven wrong as his theory can be. I asked him why he believes this and he never gave me the reason why he believes just reinstated what he believed. That is the irrational process believers of religion and athiests make. Agnostics at least understand that making guess at odds of 1 out of anything will lead to some very wrong people. Therefor I do not believe in things until they can be proven to me, as anything else would be a mistake on my behalf as it would be insane.

I am one hundred percent willing to pay 100$ cash to the first person who can prove to me using controlled observations and scientific experiments that Either

The Christian account of existence is true (and proof MUST BE APPLICICAPAL TO ALL)

or that man can possess magic Psychic powers to directly control a cinderblock

or that the Christian God doesn't exist ( Inconsistancy in the Bible wont count as Christians believe their God is all powerfull and can do the impossible such as ANYTHING even exist and not exist)

im serious


I must be present during the process and require all proof to be absolute and positively true.

and then you'll be one hundred bucks richer


First post your expirement plan here as a comment and we will attempt the expirement

and I wont take anything if you cant prove me wrong