Monday, February 25, 2008


So often do I hear the moan of "why do we have to learn about the ancient Egyptians anyway" or "who cares when Attila rose to power?". Now I will attempt to answer that question in a different viewpoint. Imagine you, yes you, we part of the group of people that created the first civilization and created awe inspiring monuments that would be extremely difficult to replicate even with modern equipment. Wouldn't you enjoy the fact that your legacy will be remembered for ever? especially if you don't fall for that whole "afterlife"garbage. So it is disrespectful and rude if one was to be part of the loss of this great knowledge.Remember, won't you like to be remembered when you die? To me, that is my afterlife. So often do us youths resort to using our short term happiness seekers instead of thinking of what will be the most rewarding later on.

Another reason to learn the Earth's and it's inhabitants history is because knowledge is what man strives for. If you don't think knowledge is important then tell me, what is a life that isn't able to be aware of it's own existence? It is just a worthless piece of space to me as it shows no purpose. I am also aware of the fact that people see ancient history as irrelevant. Yet as we can see from what I stated before, knowledge is what man strives to gain. It is the one thing that can show us what is or even that we exist at all.

And don't forget that you exist because of the things which happened throughout history. whether you like it or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jacob Evans why so emo