Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Empty Shell Has No Nuts

To all those who wish to know the REAL reason I don't smoke pot heres your answer....

I like thinking about everything. I'm a daydreamer, a nerd, and yes.... I'm strange.

But what I am not able to say is that I am a genius. I am a doofus as a first grader might say, but I am trying. The fact that you even care enough to read my blog both delights me and confuses me. I cant remember anything, I'm a jerk, I hate everything, I'm annoying, and I act like a know-it-all. But, I can't lie, I try very hard. I slack off in school because I'm always thinking! I'm thinking about the meaning of life while my GPA is a 2.2 and I am still not sure why were here! Thinking, is my curse

Yet I love my curse. It is awesome and makes me who I am. So why would I give myself over to some plant that seems to dominate much of the lives it touches? Yes I get tempted. Yes I could succumb at any moment. But I will lose more than my barely existant memory, I will lose my think. I really like my think, look at the name of the blog, the name it self is my way of saying think about thinking! Don't think out side of the box, think... what is this box that is so damn intrusive it has to block the place our thoughts should be in?

I regret nothing about my thoughts. I love my thoughts more than I loved God. Because not only do my thoughts actually exist, they are me. Sometimes my think gets a little carried away and tries to solve everything, but I let it do what it likes. If I were to like a plant more than my think then I would have just forgotten to think about what I really like. My think makes me happier than anything. No good feeling will ever replace the think.

In fact I see those who haven't used their own think in a while are just wussies. They are scared of what their think will think. Maybe it will be to question their love of modern art? Maybe the think knows modern art is the physical manifistation of bullshit. Kind of like bullshit with pictures! Or maybe those empty skulls had an idea and that idea was a hard one to comprehend. My think is just like your think. It thinks, and thinks, and thinks until the very moment you die. Why try and fight the one thing you really need? You need your heart and brain and your think to be alive. Because while maybe you are breathing but without your think you aren't going to even notice you are in the only life you ever fucking get. Why fuck it up? Why drug yourself up to numb the pain that I call the think. Only the smart are truly brave, why else could you explain idiots' willingness to die? Thinkers realize that they are actually part of the universe and not just watching it from some magic screen and you were given a gift by something that never gives any gifts, nature gave you the gift of life and a good think to come with it.

Long live the think!!!!


Anonymous said...

you've really never smoked pot? it's kind of a rush of the senses, you feel everything so much more, but yeah it kills brain cells like most harmful things. but doing it once or twice, isn't necessarily a bad thing.

not like I'm encouraging you, just saying... hahah

Anonymous said...

It's pretty much like refurbishing your thinking process. Some say it helps you dive deeper into thought. It all depends on which kind, and the person who smokes it.