Thursday, April 3, 2008

What a Dip-shit

I saw a video earlier in the day that showed a fight between two members of different gangs fighting each other. Of course asshole #1 called asshole #2 some names and this man felt so sad about it he wanted to fight the other dumb ass. Of course the big guy kicked the little guys ass to the cement, and the guy walked off like he was a big man for pushing that small guy around.

I thought this was probably the most ridiculous temper tantrum on the planet. Asshole #2 needs to realize he is an adult probably living in a slum town. This idiot is going to set aside all the things he should be doing, in order to fight some dumb ass for calling him a name. I don't think this guy has much a reputation to protect, seeing as he almost killed another human being over an insult. For Christ's sakes, IM a bigger man than these guys.

I hope they don't reproduce.

Go fuck yourself... Dip-shit!

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