Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Plan

My days went by when I had an epiphany
And I let it become a part of me
Tinkering and toiling on my new thought
blindly attempting
to materialize this idea I’ve got
Drawing blueprints and charts
The clearer the plan became to me
The greater it seemed to really be
My peers approved of such a scheme
Yet I never examined reallity of my dream
So perfection is all I would stand for
My plot could only be flawless
Yet progress continued no more
And the further I ponder the more I digress
In my frustration the schematics were torn
In this confusion I could only mourn
my mind grew sour the mission had too
In the end of the chaos it formed something new
Desperation sets in
as the deadline comes nearer
The plan not yet finished
Yet my hopes aren’t deminished
I draw up designs
Of peculular kinds
To preserve the plan at hand
Yet nothing could save me
If it were to be
That my plan was no good
How blindly I stood
Could I not see that this plan here
While advanced and artfull
Was only a mirror?
This mirror became what it was meant to be
To show me what I needed to see
I was blind to the fact that it never was real
Yet it brings no comfort to how I feel
Perhaps this blunder
Oh how I wonder
Could this have been forseen?
Energized and reborn
I plan anew
But I still must wonder
How shall this one do?

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