Sunday, April 6, 2008

Things Look Bleak

It has become rather apparent that the world will be coming to an end soon, at least that's how it seems. I don't know when the world started getting hot or when the black hole in the center of the galaxy showed up but I don't like it at all. No I can't say that I dig those nukes or missiles that people continue to make. Most of all, I definitely do not enjoy the powerful people keeping us down.What do I enjoy? I can't really say. I mean just think about those super-viruses and new forms of cancer and tell me you see a light at the end of the tunnel. Yep... might as well give up.Or we could try to fix this. Either way were doomed.
Now lets get serious for a minute or two. The truth is Man won't always be around. From the looks of it, we don't have very long to wait. Such is the nature of species to die, and die we shall. Species are like individuals, both can prolong death so long as death has no reason of showing up. Sitting around won't help anything, and neither will planning everything out . Never before has a society, let alone a planet, gotten together and tried to solve problems that weren't immediately dire to said society. Man is great at living on the edge, making it's move as it goes along blind of whats in from of it. It may sound reckless for me to say we shouldn't plan our future in advance, but I'm being cautious in assuming that we would ignore all of the problems we would face waiting for everyone to get together and solve them. What we should do is solve our problems as they come as best as we can. Only then are we going to avoid the big things in the future.

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