Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Since When Is Learning About The World Unimportant

So often I meet people, who are overcome by fear of learning the true nature of our world. Such people to my experience seem to shut themselves away from knowledge. But why?
Do they fear that the world seems more terrifying the more they learn about it? Do they fear a radical shift in the way they view the world? Or are they just unable to grasp that knowledge?

Well wake the hell up! The world IS scary. There are murderers, rapists, corrupt politicians, and men who thrive on your suffering. Now there are two choices you can make at this point: Learn about the world in order to find and fix it's problems OR give up and let these bad men hurt you.

I hope by creating this blog, I can help those who read it by giving them a little perspective on the world. Yet, if you are unwilling to hear hard facts like: no one knows if God is real, and we might not be around forever, or that most bad things that happen to people are caused by people.

Even things that sound helpful such as: Enviromentalism, Religious Groups, Even freakin' Disneyland is run by greedy people. Such people profit off of our stupidity

How is this not important to learn!?!?

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