I noticed my school subscribes to many databases meant to provide fast and in depth information for school projects.
The website above had a description of ( Provides comprehensive, dependable,current,in depth and objective coverage of controvercial issues of the day, in Am. hist.,and current science news.
The first thing i typed in to its search was "council on foreign relations" it had 300 or so results. one was "think tanks". the article was about think tanks like CFR and the Conservative enterprises. yet while it had information on the downside of think tanks and even referenced CFR, that information was mainly arguements which looked like they had been written by a misguided conservative who did not understand why such think-tanks are criticized. Yet the information on the positives was written with the main arguements used by think-tanks.
I thought it was strange that the advantage portion of the article was so positive and made CFR seem like oprah. yet the arguements against it seemed like a first grader thought them up.
guess what. EVERY source for that article was A THINKTANK INCLUDING {{THE CFR}}
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