Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Remember Our Origins

Us Americans should be prideful of their nation. We live in a nation known for outdoing the compitition, We were founded on freedom and individual liberties. We were the nation who has been a formidable force since the beginning. We were seen as people who would die for their freedom and others saw this as heroic as do I.We are still great in that we have the moral capacity to hate the government because we feal they are trying to control us and grow in power. Just like we did 300 years ago. It's good to see that even after we have become a superpower, the people still try to do whats right, and though are government is corrupting, one day in the future when the government is too powerful our love of liberty will call for another rebellion and rebirth. Just remember those famous words "Give me Liberty Or Give Me Death!"

of course if gun control gets to popular this next revolution will be impossible so remember to defend the right to bare arms!

but our government hasnt reached the point where we must grab our torches but if our freedoms are encroached upon, hand me my pitchfork!

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