Thursday, January 31, 2008

im getting a little obsessed with my blog

Lately I've been focusing alot on my blog and researching the 2 or 3 facts it contains. but just bare with me and it will improve eventually and thanks for those who have viewed it and even commented. i have fun making it so try to have fun when reading it!!!

How much do we know?

We have all heard the terms used by pundits to categorize us.
Liberals,Conservatives,Independents, Republicans, Democrats, Leftists, and so on and so on. But how much do we know about these groups? How do you tell the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative? How about the Democrats? What do you know about them?

We tend to want to find a political identity,but we are nearly always too misinformed to correctly identify ourselves or prove this i dare you to ask a friend what the two basic principles of the GOP are. More than likely they will say something like... Anti-terrorism and family value or some other bogus claim. The GOP is really about small government and economic freedom (or some say something similar but the idea is the same). Today we seem to think that not even looking up the definition of the words we call ourselves is an okay thing to do. Now that is just plain stupid of us to do .imagine if no-one knew the definition of a moron and you hear a pundit call a politician you like a moron so you begin identifying your self as a moron.....which in that case would still be a good description.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Problem of The 3rd World

Nowadays everyone wants to be an activist in one way or another, I do it by blogging, some hug trees and others donate to the homeless. While wanting to help others is a natural and I encourage it, one should get their facts strait.

Many organizations like PETA and Greenpeace are not fighting for what they say they are. PETA firebombs labs that provide vaccinations and teach doctors how to preform surgery, and Greenpeace funnels donations into private savings accounts (not to mention they try to scare the hell out of everyone by saying loggers are destroying the rainforest and that lumber companies are destroying natural habitats, which is false since farmers destroy the rainforests and lumber companies grow tree farms and only sometimes do they do very eco-friendly tree gathering).
But now more and more people are trying to provide support via food and clothing and even worse money to African relief.Now I ask you... how can you expect huge amounts of money to be delivered properly and safely to those who need it,when the nation you delivered the money to is currently undergoing genocide, and is led by leaders who spend 30 mil USD on a palace that will be used for only 2 days? Most of the money we send is captured by rebels and used to further worsen the situation.
Yet while we may want this money to be going to the poor people of Africa, is it our responsibility to act so holier than thou?It is patronizing for us to think that Africans aren't able to pull themselves up. At one point America was once the pawn of Europeans much like Africa, yet American's were educated and willing to die for freedom,which many did. Africans however were conquered and colonized when they were technologically inferior and not as advanced in the sciences, therefor Africans were never able to rise up until much later on and most have ties to their former European counterparts. But are circumstances like this able to excuse ethnic genocide and horrid greed? No. Only they are to blame when it comes to their actions, so we should not feel the need to give them support. At least not until they begin to stablized and show signs of trying to develop. It would be like giving support to the Pakistanies who riot when corrupted tribal leaders are "insulted"


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Remember Our Origins

Us Americans should be prideful of their nation. We live in a nation known for outdoing the compitition, We were founded on freedom and individual liberties. We were the nation who has been a formidable force since the beginning. We were seen as people who would die for their freedom and others saw this as heroic as do I.We are still great in that we have the moral capacity to hate the government because we feal they are trying to control us and grow in power. Just like we did 300 years ago. It's good to see that even after we have become a superpower, the people still try to do whats right, and though are government is corrupting, one day in the future when the government is too powerful our love of liberty will call for another rebellion and rebirth. Just remember those famous words "Give me Liberty Or Give Me Death!"

of course if gun control gets to popular this next revolution will be impossible so remember to defend the right to bare arms!

but our government hasnt reached the point where we must grab our torches but if our freedoms are encroached upon, hand me my pitchfork!

Who took the Christ out of Christianity?

As an agnostic I am able to look at religion from the outside. But, when I learn that a group of people called Christians not teaching (or learning about) Christianity, I begin to wonder. If you were to ask a Christian about the Bible, they would probably either say it is a literal historical document, or that it is a metaphorical guide to our lives. But few know more than a few stories from the Bible. But Why? Why would you skip reading a book you believe was written by GOD and will guide you through life? Why would you choose to believe that God won't mind your laziness? It is not that it's to long, as it is about two Harry Potters long.

I'm the first to admit I haven't read the whole Bible, but I have read a lot and I am disturbed by what I saw in many parts and moved by others. The Bible is a horrid guide on morality in the old testament(E.G argumentative children shall be KILLED). The Gospels however are what shaped my views on morality. Jesus teaches that to EVER resist ANY evil is a sin. This involves: being mugged,being MURDERED,being cheated, etc. Yet how many so called "Christians" were and still are for the war? or how about those pro lifers who are resisting the evil of abortion? or how about our "Christian" friends who believe in the death penalty?

All those fools are doing is disobeying the one they call God. Now it may be more clear why I have renounced my faith. And if you are a Christian....READ THE @#$DAMN BIBLE!!!!

Since When Is Learning About The World Unimportant

So often I meet people, who are overcome by fear of learning the true nature of our world. Such people to my experience seem to shut themselves away from knowledge. But why?
Do they fear that the world seems more terrifying the more they learn about it? Do they fear a radical shift in the way they view the world? Or are they just unable to grasp that knowledge?

Well wake the hell up! The world IS scary. There are murderers, rapists, corrupt politicians, and men who thrive on your suffering. Now there are two choices you can make at this point: Learn about the world in order to find and fix it's problems OR give up and let these bad men hurt you.

I hope by creating this blog, I can help those who read it by giving them a little perspective on the world. Yet, if you are unwilling to hear hard facts like: no one knows if God is real, and we might not be around forever, or that most bad things that happen to people are caused by people.

Even things that sound helpful such as: Enviromentalism, Religious Groups, Even freakin' Disneyland is run by greedy people. Such people profit off of our stupidity

How is this not important to learn!?!?

The reach of the CFR (I put my foot in my mouth with the last post)

I noticed my school subscribes to many databases meant to provide fast and in depth information for school projects.

The website above had a description of ( Provides comprehensive, dependable,current,in depth and objective coverage of controvercial issues of the day, in Am. hist.,and current science news.

The first thing i typed in to its search was "council on foreign relations" it had 300 or so results. one was "think tanks". the article was about think tanks like CFR and the Conservative enterprises. yet while it had information on the downside of think tanks and even referenced CFR, that information was mainly arguements which looked like they had been written by a misguided conservative who did not understand why such think-tanks are criticized. Yet the information on the positives was written with the main arguements used by think-tanks.

I thought it was strange that the advantage portion of the article was so positive and made CFR seem like oprah. yet the arguements against it seemed like a first grader thought them up.

guess what. EVERY source for that article was A THINKTANK INCLUDING {{THE CFR}}

Why is everything a conspiracy these days

Globalism, Global Warming, The Main Stream Media, The Liberal Media, The Government, A New World Order, Neocons, Neoliberals, The Religious Right, September 11, The CIA, The Terrorists, The Destruction of American Values, Zionist, Freemasons,Skull and Crossbones, The Majestic 12, Roswell, Big Brother, The Templar Knights, Islamofacism, Communism, Big Business, And many, many, more.......

All of these which I have listed have been blamed for our problems and our history. But, how many of these actually exist? It's not to hard to find someone these days who believes that the government is secretly creating a New World Order, Or that politics is decided by shadowy groups such as the "Majestic 12" or the Freemasons. Yet, very few believers have any more than hunches, trivial quotes, and an audience of mystery loving fanatics.
Conspiracy theorists will claim they are enlightening the masses with hidden information, yet this "knowledge" is readily available on the internet or books. Wouldn't the big bad Big Brother end such heresy? And if the CIA can cover up contact with aliens, couldn't they also quiet those voices blaming them for doing so? The cold hard truth is that, if those entities truly have the power theorist claim, then there would be no theorists. When was the last Roswell believer kidnapped by the government?
Maybe we are headed to a police state, or we are being manipulated by our leaders, but don't jump into these crazy theories until you have some real evidence. not just a cool story.

Think About the Box

This is the 1st post of my new blog "Think About the Box"

***NOTE*** I WILL NOT update my old blog.

This new blog will be filled with articles containing my often unusual approach to viewing the world. I will post news I find important . I WILL accept reader written content as long as it fits my blog. This is NOT a Liberal or Conservative blog.

I hope you enjoy and commenting can be done by anyone