Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Screw you Lenin

The true Father Of The Revolution VI Lenin may have promoted himself as a Marxist, yet his Machiavellian means by which his stateless society was to be created created another bourgeoisie class out of the government. Karl Marx's dictatorship of the proletarian idea was meant to be a shift in power to the common man not a true dictatorship as Lenin founded. Lenin focused more on using fear to control the proletarians into accepting the new regime. What Lenin accomplished was not a communist state but merely a ultra-dictatorship that paved the way for Josef Stalin to completely destroy any source of true "communism". Karl Marx wanted a temporary government to provide order and slowly fade from existence as the need for government ceases to exist, yet Lenin simply made the Communist leader the only figure of power in the USSR. The rise of Stalin and the Bolsheviks completely ended socialist rule and instead created a fascist state with only the disadvantages of Communism.

I would like to state that neither Marx nor Lenin had a perfect plan for society, but Marx fought for the proletarians' power in world affairs. I have socialist leanings in the form of Social Democracy that allows the for a direct democracy control of the prices of essential supplies such as oil, and no control over non necessities to allow for a free market.

But that still makes me somewhat socialist.


Anonymous said...

Fuck you seriously

Jacob said...
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Jacob said...

Haha I'll use smaller words for you next time! :P