Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Nation

So joyous am I in a nation so free!
Where I can be whatever they say I may be!
So much liberty in our nation,
where people are jailed without explanation!
We avoid the danger of thought's oppression,
we never needed so much free expression!

Inside our government, no mistakes are made!
We all benefit from our modern crusades!

Oh, isn't it great to live like me,
as joyous as I in a nation so free?
Where cities can cite citizens for not keeping lawns tidy!
Where kids fear police who murder their race!
Where leaders are bought and paid for by banks!

I ask you once more, is it right to be
as joyous as I in a nation so free?


Anonymous said...

this blog is so fucking retarded, jesus christ

Jacob said...

That's why God invented the close button on your internet.