I know that I can be a know-it-all, and I'm sorry for this. I do not however pull things out of my ass and say that it is true. And if I do, it is unintentional and I apologize.
But I met someone that obviously underestimated my intelligence, and they made some claims that were just bullshit. I never meet anyone in my life who lied to me so blatantly, or about things that could be so easily fact checked. They were religious and forgot that unlike religion, science doesn't work on faith. Even a devout believer would agree with me when I say, religion is based on faith and unproven beliefs.
Don't tell me you can prove God exists, and not have an argument to back it up. You only look like an idiot if you do and that doesn't help your "God" argument.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Stupid People
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Ban of Clusterbombs
111 countries signed a treaty banning the use of cluster bombs, the treaty will go into effect in 2009. Russia, China, and the United States did not sign the treaty in Dublin, and these are the biggest producers and users of cluster munitions. The United States actually "boycotted" the meeting according to CNN.
If you do not know, cluster bombs are bombs that separate into smaller bombs before impact. Notorious for their 1 in 4 failure rate, cluster bombs that do not explode create a mine field around the area according to The Real News.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Once more
I received anonymous complaining on the blog. The complaining doesn't bug me much, but the fact that who ever does it isn't willing to put their name on the comments and some go as far as masking their IP's does bug me. I put up comment moderation to stop vandalism to posts but if you still feel the need to post negative comments, I'll be more than happy to display them as long as they have a name.