Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Stance on Social Issues

Abortion- Pro Choice/ Father should have say

Affirmative Action- This is slightly a racist movement, racist in a patronizing way not a hateful one, but if it helps people and hurts little, why not.

Ageism- Judging people by their age is perfectly fine, seeing as we will all be young and hopefully will be old in the future so those who judge will also be judged and they know this.

AIDS- I didn't know this was a social issue but I'm against it I guess....

Animal Testing- If we test animals to further man in areas such as life saving medicine and such I think it's OK, I mean it is just like every other part of the survival game.

Crime- see AIDS

Death Penalty- If we had the money to hold the prisoners we execute then I would be against the death penalty, but since we are low on funds, let em fry!

Discrimination- See AIDS/Crime

Drugs- I'm OK with you doing it as long as it doesn't harm me.

Educational System- See AIDS/Crime/Discrimination

Euthanasia- If your a vegetable wtf do you care if you die? You don't even know your alive!

Evolution vs Intelligent Design - Not really a social issue as it is not an opinion. It is that one belief is right, the other is not. Currently the only believable one from a scientific point of view is Evolution so I bank on that, yet I wasn't there so I could be wrong.

Gay Marriage/Rights- I've said it before and I'll say it again... I don't care if you wanna reenact 2 Girls 1 Cup every god damn day while watching BME Pain Olympics at the same time, what you do in bed is your own god damn business. I'm not saying being gay is the same as eating shit and cutting of your genitals but I don't plan on either.....
And if your marriage is threatened by gays...... Go fuck yourself in the ass Gary because your a fucking queen.

Global Warming- See Evolution

Gun Control- Pro Gun/ Anti Gov't

Health Insurance- nationally paid insurance will destroy our hospitals. We can't afford to treat everyone or no one will get treated.

Homelessness- See AIDS

Immigration- I'm for legal and illegal

Injustice- See AIDS and who the fuck is anti justice?

Legal drinking age- I think it's good where it is, makes it at least somewhat difficult for teens to drink.

Poverty- See AIDS

Racism- See AIDS

Religion in politics- If your religion is proven true, go ahead. Until then fuck off

yes lets teach our children magic is the reason for morality.

School Shootings- See AIDS

Sexism- See AIDS

War- See AIDS

Weightism- Fuck fat people

White Flight- How is leaving inner cities to get a better life racist?


Anonymous said...

you're fucking stupid!

Jacob said...

at least I don't bash anonymously


Anonymous said...

says the overweight kid.

Anonymous said...

your the loser who reads that kid's blog

and if ur talking about the weightism comment.... read about what it is dumbass.